SNL has premiered for the forty-seventh edition recently. The show is a satirical representation of the current happenings around the world. It features actors, musicians, and comedians who come together and act out short and funny versions of current affairs. The Saturday Night Live featured Joe Biden on the initiates premiere. However, the crowd did not seem to like the episode.
A wave of criticism hit the show soon after the first episode was aired. The show in total has aired 909 episodes so far. Fans from all over America expressed their discontent with the season opener. Let us find out more about the incident below.
SNL Heavily Criticised For Biden Spinoff
The show officials wanted to start the new season on a high. Unfortunately, things didn’t pan out as expected. Their portrayal of Joe Biden was not liked by the audiences. Most of the fans took to social media and asked about the identity of Joe Biden. They felt that the actor playing Biden could not do justice to the character.
Fans were utterly confused and dissatisfied with the latest segment. A significant portion of the crowd even thought Owen Wilson was eyeing a presidential run. Wilson has been roped in to host the new season of SNL.
SNL later revealed the identity of the actor playing Joe Biden. James Austin Johnson was reportedly portraying the President. He has been signed for the season as one of the top three signings. Johnson is used to mimicking famous political personalities. He has earlier imitated Donald Trump that made him very famous. However, going by the crowd reaction, one thing is pretty much assured. Johnson will not feature in the list of impersonators that mimicked Biden appropriately. He would surely like to work on his acting skills as the season progresses.