There is no plan, as per the White House, to keep the government stimulus checks in the hands of Americans.
Individuals are receiving Covid-19 and gas price stimulus checks in numerous states. Gas prices hit record highs in March, as the Russian occupation of Ukraine started to put significant strain on international supply lines. Following the sharp rise in costs, inflation rose by 1.2 percent as shipping costs soared throughout the market.
Stimulus Checks For Rising Gas Prices And Expanded CTC Available
In response to these hikes, some members of Congress presented legislation to provide direct assistance to families to reduce fuel expenses. Cali Congressman Mike Thompson, along with John Larson (CT-01) and Lauren Underwood (IL-14), proposed a $200 fuel credit for $100 to qualified households living in locations where the average price of a gallon of petrol is more than $4.00.
Following the announcement of the proposal’s contents, US President Joe Biden said that 1 million barrels of crude oil will be freed from the country’s strategic reserves. Supply chain disruptions have occurred as a result of the excess supply that has been streaming into the market, and oil prices have begun to rise once more.
Apart from the price criterion, single taxpayers must earn less than $75,000 per year and married taxpayers must earn less than $150,000 per year to qualify for the entire benefit. Those who earn more than these restrictions can still claim certain benefits, but the payments would be tapered off at $80,000 (individual) and $160,000 (married). Low-income families now have another opportunity to receive the expanded 2021 child tax credit without having to file entire tax returns.
The Biden government is resuming attempts to reach families with earnings so low that they do not have to file taxes and guide them toward an online system where they can submit the necessary paperwork to claim the Stimulus Check. Eligible families can receive an additional $3,600 Stimulus Check for each kid under the age of six, and close to $3,000 for each child aged six to seventeen.