Stuart Scheller Expelled From the Marine Corps

Stuart Scheller
Stuart Scheller

Stuart Scheller, the Colonel of the Marine Corps Lt. of the United States of America, was expelled from his office. The reason for this originated from a video that was posted by him over the social media platform. In that video, it can be seen that the colonel questions the ability of the military leaders of the country in taking care of the ongoing Afghanistan situation. This information was shared by one of the spokesperson of the Marine Corps. The statement was made on the 27th of August that fell on a Friday.

Stuart Scheller On Afghanistan

Colonel Stuart Scheller took to the social media platform, Facebook, to talk about the Afghan situation. He pointed out the subject of accountability. He stated that no one was holding themselves accountable for whatever was going on in Afghanistan. He also claimed that it was the Americans who were responsible for the situation. It is to be noted that he is one of the marine officers who has served in Iraq as well as in Afghanistan before. Stuart Scheller further claimed that he was ready to give up everything in order to compel the authorities to accept accountability through public demand. 

After posting the video, the marine corps took the necessary actions. Jim Stenger, one of the officers, related a statement with regard to the conduct of Stuart Scheller. It was stated that he was no longer required in the organization. And the reason for this as stated was that he was not considered to be able to carry out his duties of commanding. The organization had lost trust in him. Jim Stenger further stated that most of the leaders were having a hard time accepting whatever was going on. And that he was supposed to communicate to his officers and not over social media.