The season finale for American Idol was aired on 23rd May, Sunday. In the early scenes, Luke Bryan, the judge, was telling Chayce Beckham that he had already earned the biggest prize – the two will go bass fishing. The complement rung true in a bigger sense come the night’s end.
American Idol Wins Hearts With Country Singer Winner
Needless to say, the plans with Luke Bryan are now indefinitely postponed. Chayce Beckham resides in California’s Apple Valley and is 24 years old. He claimed the crown of American Idol 2021.
Katy Perry told him that his world is now going to change. Chayce used to drive a forklift. Now he is going to release music through BMG. He is also headed to Nashville next.
Judges were wowed by Beckham right since the early audition stages of this year’s American Idol. He had performed Kolton Moore’s “What Brings Life Also Kills.” Perry had remarked that Chayce had the sound of America’s heart.
In the course of the competition, Luke Bryan repeatedly highlighted Chayce Beckham’s coolness on stage. He even compared Chayce to Bruce Springsteen, at a point. Beckham’s gravy vocals and good looks had won over armies of fans who are now devoted to him. Chris Martin of Coldplay, his mentor, also nicknamed Chayce’s hair “Chacye Paste.”
The moniker was an inspiration for past and present Idols joking about the singer. They also joked that every woman above 35 was in love with Chayce.
Beckham started his winning night’s performance with The Beatle’s “Blackbird”. It was a slightly tweaked version but remarked how he was on a blue-collar worker’s journey. His video package showing his homecoming showed that he had suffered an accident in his car. Surviving it made him want to turn his life around. He highlighted the moment with “Fire Away” by Chris Stapleton. His final performance was his hit single “23” after being named the victor.