The upcoming movie, The Suicide Squad, is a part of the previous Suicide Squad family. However, it is a sequel to the movie. The movie is to be released on the 5th of August in theaters. It will also be made available on the streaming platform, HBO Max, on the same day. The movie is directed by James Gunn, the American director. He is also the one who directed the MCU franchise movie, Guardians of the Galaxy. His work is quite loud in the movie. All the weird sci-fi and some heavy humor.
The Suicide Squad’s Exciting Information
The work of James Gunn in the MCU movies did not go unnoticed. DC, the rival comic franchise, took no time to reach out to him to create another movie with an odd ensemble. He got chosen as the director of “The Suicide Squad.” And it seems like the American fits well in the DC family as compared to that of the MCU. And just a fun fact, the upcoming movie has a shark as one of the characters. A shark who can speak and who is appointed by the US officials to fight the bad or worse guys.
Just like the 2016 Suicide Squad, the new movie is based on the heroic sides of the bunch of convicts who straightaway belong to the DC comic books. All of them in “The Suicide Squad” has immense powers that will be used for the benefit of mankind. The ones to appoint them are none other than Amanda Waller, the leader of the black ops.
The role is carried out by the American actor, Viola Davis. As for the plot of the movie, “The Suicide Squad” will be working on an island of South America. They will have to do away with one of the military juntas that have been formed not long ago. Their responsibilities also include destroying the newly developed “superweapon.”