Yellowstone is one of the most iconic television series in recent times. The first season of the series was aired in the year 2018. The series follows the typical genre of neo-western drama. The series has an immense fan following right from its first season. One of the most important aspects of the sitcom is its narration. The fluency and ease with which the story is narrated seem perfect. This attracts a significant amount of following to itself.
Audiences have enjoyed every season of the series. At the end of the third season, everyone was excited for the fourth season to hit. The current season has been hyped up a great deal right from the word go. The fourth installment of Yellowstone has an enviable cast. The likes of Luke Grimes, Kevin Costner, Kelly Reily & Wes Bently feature in the series. Let us have a detailed analysis of the fourth season of the series below.
Yellowstone Surprises The Audience With Twists
Yellowstone has finally been released. The series picks up from exactly the point where it ended in season three. At the end of the third season, audiences were left in suspense. The latest episode opens with John Dutton using his blood as ink. He scribbles a message revealing the identity of his shooter. Kayce, on the other hand, desperately uses a grenade to escape.
The blast near Schwartz & Mayer was fatal. However, Beth somehow managed to survive that. She seemed visibly shaken as she was taken in for an emergency. John is found by Rip who immediately admits him to a hospital. Meanwhile, Kayce tries to decode her father’s message and track the enemies.
The fourth edition of Yellowstone is filled with action and twists. The initial episodes have raised the bar quite high. It remains to be seen how the rest of the season pans out.