Zac Efron, the Hollywood actor, is now single. According to sources, he broke up with girlfriend Vanessa Valladares. The two had dated for a total of 10 months.
Zac Efron Is “Happy”
Valladares is a model. She lives in Australia. The two of them encountered each other for the first time at a cafe called the “Bay General Store & Cafe.” Valladares was working as a waitress there. The cafe is one of the major celebrity hubs of Australia. Zac Efron had remained in the country during the pandemic of coronavirus.
A source claimed the reason why the breakup took place between the two. It has been revealed that the two broke up because of the way Zac Efron felt about it. Sources reported that he stopped feeling right about the relationship.
Despite the breakup, it has also been reported that the “Baywatch” actor will not be making his return to the United States of America for now. It was stated that the actor is in love with Australia. They also revealed the current state of mind of Zac Efron. As of now, he is occupied with new projects that he has taken over and is happy with his life.
The news of the actor breaking up with Vanessa Valladares had been revealed by Kyle Sandilands, a radio host of Australia. The host is friends with the actor. The news had been revealed at the beginning of this week. Sandilands stated that the news is not untrue as he talked to Zac Efron personally after having heard the rumors. The host also revealed that it was a healthy breakup without any drama involved. The actor was spotted with Valladares in the month of September. They were having lunch at one of the cafes at a beachside in Australia.