American comedy television series, created by American actress-screenwriter Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher, Never Have I Ever premiered its fourth season on Netflix on June 8. The story is narrated by former tennis star John McEnroe, and tells the story of an Indian-American teenager Devi Viswakumar played by Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, who navigates through her sophomore year in high school.
She is often between situations like her father Mohan’s untimely demise, dealing with her strict mother Dr. Nalini played by Poorna Jagannathan, competing for good grades with her classmate Ben played by Jaren Lewison, having romantic feelings for both Ben and Paxton played by Darren Barnett. She also has two dear friends Eleanor and Fabiola played by Ramona Young and Lee Rodriguez respectively.
Season 4 of Never Have I Ever, tells the story of Devi and her friends as they apply for their dream colleges. This season also introduces a new character, Ethan Morales, played by Michael Camino, who previously starred in the horror film Annabelle Comes Home. Ethan brings further development in the plot of Never Have I Ever, which portrays a boy who is popular in school and immediately captures the attention of Devi.
Season 4 Marks The Finale For Never Have I Ever
The newly released season 4 is the final season of Never Have I Ever. While fans expect an emotional closure of Devi’s relations over the past seasons and that she finds love. Other characters including, Fabiola, Devi’s mother Dr. Nalini, and her cousin Kamala who is a PhD candidate at Caltech too need a proper conclusion of the developments of their relations in the past three seasons. The fourth season of Never Have I Ever has met with a positive review from its critics, most of whom have agreed that the show has a perfect ending.