Chicago Fire is all set to launch its tenth episode. The series is an intriguing story involving firefighters and paramedics. The show focuses on their passion for their work. A lot of personal issues are faced by each of the characters. However, they always choose their profession over themselves.
The latest season has made big claims. It promises to be the most interesting season in the history of the show. The previous season was also a huge hit. Audiences were thrilled by the suspense element of the former season. A host of characters’ futures were left hanging at the end of the ninth season. Let us learn more about the happenings of the Chicago Fire below.
Chicago Fire Expected To Be A Huge Hit
Everyone is very much excited to know about the fate of Tony, Capp, Severide & Cruz. The season 10 premiere on Wednesday has been named “Mayday”. The season starts immediately from where the previous season ended. In order to save their fellow firefighters, a daunting task has to be done. Tony, Capp, Cruz & Severide have been trapped in a boat that does not have much air. As the water levels rise, the other fighters have to hurry to save their friends from disaster.
Derek Hass is the executive producer for Chicago Fire. He stated that emphasis was given especially to maintain the continuity. That was the reason they started the new season right from where they left.
He was asked about insights into the season. Hass mysteriously stated that he was unsure about the fates of the four characters. Derek also said that Chicago Fire season 10 will come with plenty of surprises. The season will also reach a landmark of 200 episodes. Hass hinted at cameos of characters who had previously appeared on the show.