All the viewers of Grand Army, the American drama television series, have not stopped themselves from expressing their love for the show. It is aired over the streaming platform, Netflix. The series that was first released on the 16th of October last year, is known for its diverse nature of cast as well as interesting take on critical subjects. They include rape, sex, racism and culture. Recently the news was announced that the series has been cancelled by Netflix. This is what Netflix often does. Once the viewership rate goes down for a while, the entire series gets dropped by them.
Grand Army Fans- “#RenewGrandArmy
The fans are not happy with the news at all. The fact that there will not be a second season of the show has taken them to speak out. Grand Army is based on the lives of five teens who go to the same public school. The name of the school is Grand Army itself and it is situated in Brooklyn in the state of New York. The creator of the show is Katie Cappiello. One of the best parts about the Netflix series is the diverse cast, both racially as well as culturally. It is led by American actress Odessa Action.
Another thing that makes the show extremely special is the fact that the plot is actively involved in controversial topics. The topics that not all shows can bravely take on. Grand Army has embraced those difficult subjects in such an open manner that has captured the hearts of the fans. And the unfortunate news has undoubtedly broken the hearts of those fans.
Most of the viewers took to the social media platform, Twitter, to express their feelings. One of them wrote that he could not stop himself from crying. Another one stated that the series deserves much more appreciation than Riverdale, another American drama series on Netflix. They also posted their posts with the hashtag, “#GrandArmy” and “#renewGrandArmy.”