Sen. Bernie Sanders and President Joe Biden seem to be on the same page with the drafting of the infrastructure bill which has mostly been the result of several private meetings. The infrastructure package has culminated in a budget of over $3.5 trillion in domestic investments as a part of the New Deal which was struck in the 1930s.
Bernie Sanders has been the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and had a private meeting with Chuck Schumer – the Senate Majority Leader- along with several White House advisers in what has been decreed as quite a priority for Joe Biden.
Infrastructure Bill Worth $3.5 Trillion: A Little Over-the-top?
As far as reports go, Congress is currently trying to bring together a complete proposal that would finance the infrastructure bill along with family assistance and other programs which would account for initial votes. Sanders did maintain that he had a very interesting discussion with Joe Biden. He further stated that the President and the Independent candidate were perfectly aware that they are witnessing an economy where the rich had several steps on the ladder whereas working families have been struggling hard.
Sanders also stated that the President hadn’t really discussed a topline figure- and yet the senator from Vermont mentioned that he had a figure in his mind- a far-reaching $6 trillion proposal which had an inclusion for expanding Medicare for most of the older adults. In the Capitol, he mentioned that the package from the Democrats- which includes the infrastructure bill- will be far bigger than $3.5 trillion which is the amount that was the initial proposal of Biden.
The big infrastructure bill of Joe Biden has been passing through Congress on various fronts- each torpedoing or complementing the other. An entirely bipartisan group of around 10 senators brought out a $1 trillion package of traditional infrastructure.