Ron DeSantis is displaying his ruthless streak of political power as he prepares to take on the Democrats head-on. Last week the Florida Governor abruptly suspended and effectively fired Hillsborough County State Attorney and Democrat Andrew Warren for daring to speak out against the provocative and anti-democratic laws DeSantis had signed recently.
Ron DeSantis has signed anti-abortion legislation that severely restricts the procedure in Florida and has also brought in discriminatory policies against the LGBTQ community. The ambitious governor, who is planning to contest the 2024 presidential elections has cited ‘wilful defiance,’ ‘incompetence,’ and ‘neglect of duty as among the reasons for suspending Warren.
The ‘Executive Order of Suspension’ that Ron DeSantis has cited refers to a 1937 case law where a prosecutor in Tampa was accused of not prosecuting people under state gambling laws. Under a clause in the constitution of Florida, Warren’s suspension effectively fires him from the job.
Ron Desantis Announces His Decision To Fire A Democratically Elected Leader In Dramatic Fashion
There was nothing low-key in Ron DeSantis’s methods that suggested discreet methods. Instead, the fiery and ambitious governor held a high-profile press meet at a media circus, something that he indulges in several times each week. In a full costume scene resplendent with elected officials and uniformed officers, he dramatically declared his decision to summarily dismiss a duly elected official.
The decision has been described as Florida’s January 6 moment by local politicians. The ruthless streak displayed by Ron DeSantis has revealed the unconcern that he has displayed in his way of governing bereft of the traditional system of restraining unbridled political power.
In the past year, Ron DeSantis has tried to attack Disney, the largest employer in the state has aggressively redrawn congressional boundaries, and has pushed turned every other aspect of the government into a cultural war with the Democrats. And in this, he has the support of the top leadership of his party.