On Monday, Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy had appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live and had premiered a vaccination PSA episode for Family Guy. It had been then released on the morning of the next day. The PSA shows Brian and Stewie talking about Peter and his hesitancy to be vaccinated. They appeared to float inside a vein.
Seth MacFarlane’s PSA Doubles As A Criticism Too
In the PSA, Brian says that Peter may worry about falling sick because of the vaccine. Stewie replies that the known side effects of the vaccines are typically mild and temporary. Rather, COVID has been proven to induce side effects that are both serious and long-term.
Brian then says that Peter does not see the need for it if everyone else gets it anyway. Stewie then answers that the shot protects those around him as well as himself. Stewie further explains that if the disease spreads among a population without vaccinations, then it can mutate. The mutation may be something the vaccine is ineffective against. So that cannot be let to happen.
Kimmel was surprised that Fox News’ parent company agreed to air the PSA. Seth MacFarlane said that the company was very understanding with his PSA. He described it as one person’s two halves.
Seth MacFarlane also talked about his opinion of FOX’s dichotomy between their entertainment and their news. Seth MacFarlane explained that, on the side of the news, Fox is in an imaginary fairyland. But when it comes to entertainment, they seem to admit the reality of their audience to get the most out of the situation.
In fact, Seth MacFarlane said that a lot of other Fox Corp. people are all trying their hardest to get proper science out to the world. So he realized that they have to do something as well.