Ted Cruz Wins The Federal Cap Case

ted cruz
ted cruz

Ted Cruz, the senator from the Republican party, won a case with regard to the financial matters of political campaigns. The case was concerning the matter of candidates using the contributions for political purposes. It was used in order to do the repayments of personal loans they had taken in order to invest in the campaigns themselves. The decision given by the panel nullified the federal restriction on the amount that can be used. The panel consisted of a total of three judges. 

Ted Cruz’s Argument

The election commission of the Fed. gave a statement with regard to controlling the act of using up political charity funds. They stated that it had to be done in order to prevent corruption in the country, especially the “quid pro quo.” However, this idea was not supported by the judges of the federal government. According to them, the limit would put a restriction on the “freedom of speech” which was one of the fundamental rights.

The law that was challenged by Ted Cruz, the Republican Senator, limited the amount to 250,000 USD. This is the maximum amount that the candidates could receive and use up in order to repay the loans. In the campaign that took place in the year 2018, a total of 260,000 USD, was loaned by Ted Cruz. The amount is 10,000 USD more than the capped amount. The campaign was concerning the Senate.

Senator Ted Cruz, in the lawsuit, had stated that the law had an imposed restriction on political speech. Steve Guest, the spokesperson of the Republican senator stated that the decision was a victory for the Free Speech provision as well as for the First Amendment. The finance watchdogs of campaigns had shown their support for the cap. According to them, allowing donations of unlimited amounts can lead to a negative and unsolicited influence.