It’s not a season of good news for European football leagues. Due to the pandemic and social distancing rules, all the football leagues have been temporarily suspended without confirmation of when they’ll be back on.
Alberto Colombo, European Leagues’ Deputy General Secretary has nodded a definite yes to resume training but there’s a huge cloud over any news of when teams will be back competing on fields.
Even with the utmost caution, it is “impossible” to know when exactly.
Association members are eager for the resumption of training after Germany’s football club became the first to return to closed-door training in Europe.
Return to competition and seasonal leagues will require much more than that. The diagnosis of the virus becomes crucial at this stage. To keep the health of the players in the utmost priority list, major clubs of European countries are now beginning to test their players as well as associated staff. The Italian Football Federation informs that they’ll begin by May to prepare for the upcoming season.
But many countries are backing up entirely. Belgium has informed about its cancellation of the season over the country’s health crisis. The final decision is yet to come on the 24th of this month. Other countries might follow in these footsteps. “Doing testing is an important component of these health measures. But at the moment there is not a common position in every country.”
But a vast majority is still in for the season as a matter to “safeguard the integrity of the competitions.”
The decision regarding the upcoming season is yet to be taken and the Union of European Football Association will be holding a video conference next week to decide what’s next.