De Blasio, the official mayor of New York City, made an announcement on the measures that are to be taken up following the massive flooding that is currently taking place in the city. To be precise, the city got flooded on Wednesday and then on Thursday. As per the announcement, a bunch of new measles is to be introduced in the area in order to tackle the problem. It is to be noted that the storm has already claimed so many lives in the area.
De Blasio On Safety Measures
De Blasio, the New York City mayor, gave a statement on the issue. He claimed that a different kind of approach was to be used in order to handle the problem. It was stated that the official would introduce a severe warning system and accordingly take some severe actions. Among the other new measures introduced, one is the increase in the use of “travel bans” use. Accordingly, this would force people to stay away from public places like subways, and streets. Mayor De Blasio, belonging to the Democratic Party, also stated the fact that special evacuation methods were to be used for those residents of the city who lived in apartments that were built at basements.
He stated that a different set of evacuation systems were to be arranged for basement residents. In severe storms, they had to make sure that the evacuation team was effective enough to evacuate those people. Mayor De Blasio added that warnings would be sent out throughout the city through all the possible means like cell phone alerts and messages. This would be done in order to inform and educate the people of the dangers that they might be facing due to heavy storms. All these newly introduced provisions are from the “Climate-Driven Rain Response.”