26.1 C
New York
Saturday, July 20, 2024
California wildfires have become a major source of concern not just for Californians but for the entire global community. Year after year, it ravaged through millions of acres and districts the Californian wildlife and vegetation. While the California wildfires 2020 has not started officially, experts say that it’s going...
California resembles nothing short of an apocalyptic wasteland presently. The state is witnessing more than 30 wildfires at the moment. This happened after a lightning storm hit the state earlier this week. The wildfires in California are clustered in regions like the North of San Francisco and along the...
One wish will soon be struck off of the wishlist of many doctors, researchers, and patients worldwide - a simple blood test to diagnose Alzheimer's disease. The studies have been presented virtually during the Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2020, this week. This particular blood test can detect the Tau protein...
A team of scientists from Japan and America successfully carried out a research which shows that microscopic life can survive, although in a dormant state, even in less-than hospitable environments.  The team has effectively revived tiny microbes which were trapped in a dormant state. The microscopic elements found were lying...
The Hubble Space Telescope that has spent more than 30 years orbiting 340 miles above Earth has recently done an incredible job in photography. Although an aged satellite, it has not given up on quality work. As recent as earlier this month Hubble captured an incredible and crystal clear image...
The US's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the emergency use of the Ebola medication Remdesivir for treating COVID-19. The approval implies the anti-viral medication would now be able to be applied to people who are hospitalized with extreme Covid-19. An ongoing clinical preliminary demonstrated the medication abbreviated the recuperation...
When a bunch of Asian giant hornets targets killing a hive of honeybees, the massacre can be very rapid. The so-called murder hornets, which have surfaced without precedent for the United States, have a specific appetite for honeybees and have some expertise in bunch attacks. The butcher starts when a specialist...
Rug up, set your alarm, and prepare to see perhaps the best sky appears over Australia this week. The Eta Aquariid meteor shower, which happens in May every year, is one of the features of the year for prepared skywatchers. Many other meteor showers, for instance, the ongoing Lyrids, it rewards...
It seems like 2020 is going to turn even worse now. For the first time, the USA might be getting an influx of invasive giant hornets. Asian giant hornets are being spotted in the USA especially in the Washington D.C. area. Many beekeepers are anxious about the situation after...
We have known that life cannot survive outside Earth as of now. No planet has been discovered which shows all the requirements that can sustain life like our Earth does. However, the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute researchers have simulated a kind of environment which represents Venus...
Every criticism of the British government's policies regarding the Coronavirus pandemic has been swept under the carpet by citing 'The Science'. Every British government announcement has been reduced to an expensive-looking and rather misleading commercial about the pseudoscience peddled by 'The Science'. Scientific research is all about transparency. With sources being...
The UN recently said that the world should fight the COVID-19 pandemic with courage and determination, but it should also fight climate change with the same fervor. With the effects of global warming reaching a new peak in the last five years, the World Meteorological Association, part of the UN,...
In the last 30 years, we have lost about a quarter of our land-dwelling insects. The decline rate is just below 1 percent with variations at different places. Nick Haddad, Michigan State University butterfly expert says, "Ongoing decline on land at this rate will be catastrophic for ecological systems...
Jennifer Wiseman, Hubble Senior Project Scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland says, "One of the main reasons for building Hubble was to be able to measure more precisely the expansion rate of the universe."  The Hubble Space Telescope was launched 30 years ago. Since then, it has...
Previous NASA astronaut Scott Kelly the record-breaker has a different view of being always motivated while in quarantine. In 2016 Kelly is the first American to be in space for 12 consecutive months. When he accomplished a record of a 340-day task on the International Space Station. With having online education instead of physical...
French researchers are working on testing whether the nicotine patches will help to decrease or prevent the fatal coronavirus effect. Evidence is starting to show that the number of smokers with coronavirus is lower than the numbers of the nonsmoker population. Researchers are now working on whether nicotine can stop the...
The Hubble Space Telescope launched on the 24th of April 1990 has captured several extraordinary images throughout its journey in space. Surviving at 568 km above the planet Earth, the telescope is fitted with cameras all around to capture images at different wavelengths. The above image is of Jupiter, captured in...
The Lyrid meteor shower of 2020 will be at its best, however, NASA has just caught some "shooting stars" with cameras over the United States. Fireballs from the Lyrid meteor shower, which tops late today around evening time and early Wednesday (April 21-22), were caught by a few cameras with NASA's...
According to a new study published in The Lancet on Friday, not only the lungs but the blood vessel linings all over the body are also attacked by the novel coronavirus. Frank Ruschitzka from University Hospital Zurich said that it attacks the endothelium, a layer of cells that acts as...
The comet 2I/Borisov which was spotted last year as it coursed through our solar system has come out with unusual results. Researchers aimed the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) towards this comet to study it. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is the largest radio telescope, which can take...