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New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Health officials mentioned that close to a dozen lifeguards at Long Beach Island contracted coronavirus after having indulged in activities outside of work. The Health Director of the Beach, Daniel J.Krupinski noted that "The health department started receiving reports of COVID-19 activity among Surf City lifeguards on Saturday, July...
Papa John's announced that they are on the verge of hiring close to 10000 workers more considering the surging rise of pizza demands as lockdown keeps functioning underway. According to major reports, people sheltering themselves from the pandemic have been ordering far more from Papa John's than they had...
Portland authorities have reportedly arrested two individuals in relation to the gunshot that rang through the protestors' encampment near the courthouse. The courthouse itself has been the site for violent confrontations between the civilians and the police. Most witnesses have accounted that there was a group of individuals already...
Tropical Storm Hanna has apparently destroyed parts of Donald Trump's wall separating the USA and Mexico. The video of the storm smashing the wall went viral in a matter of minutes and led to much ridicule of Trump's ill-thought of decision. The video posted on Twitter highlighted the faces...
Post a few speculative weeks, the Senate has returned with the first signs of CARES-2 as called by the leader Mitch McConnell. The bill that is to be presented by him is expected to cost around $1 billion which is one-third of the cost that the Heroes Act was...
Saturday witnessed the first installment of a serialized version of ‘Finding Freedom’, the much-awaited book which allegedly provides a peek into the Royal world. Published in the Times of London, the new book discusses the life of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, describing the circumstances leading to their stepping...
Longtime TV show host Regis Philbin died on 24th July, aged 88. "We are deeply saddened to share that our beloved Regis Philbin passed away last night of natural causes, one month shy of his 89th birthday," his family shared. The grieving family mentioned how they are grateful for wonderful...
Hurricane Hanna has finally transformed into a storm that is making segway into Texas- bringing with itself massive rains, and flood warnings. The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott mentioned, "This challenge is complicated and made even more severe, seeing that it is sweeping through an area that is the...
Seattle has had quite an explosive time with the rallies turning incredibly violent. In a series of tweets, the police officials mentioned that the protestors threw large rocks, fireworks, and bottles at the cops. They also set fire to a construction site and a trailer. The police ve also...
Following the demise of the iconic television host, Regis Philbin, at the age of 88, American Reporter Geraldo Rivera reflects on Philbin’s legacy as a TV host. Fox News’s Geraldo Rivera phoned in to “America’s News HQ” to react to the great loss. He mentioned, “We had wonderful laughs together....
The tropical storm, Hanna, which was recently upgraded into a hurricane, has turned into high blowing winds and rain. Heavy rainfall is expected in areas such as South Texas and northern Mexico on Sunday. It made landfall on Saturday in the former area.  Rainfall of over 6 inches is possible...
In the latest news of police brutality, one BLM protestor has been shot dead in Austin, a youth detention center has been torched in Seattle, and a large group of protestors has had Tear gas shells thrown on them in Portland as the protests rage on. Several images have been...
Jeff Kurtzman, a Hawaiian Airlines flight attendant died on Tuesday, after testing COVID positive post a training session late June. Kurtzman was 60 and passed away on July 21 after developing serious symptoms pertaining to the COVID infection. He was one of the 16 trainees who participated in the session. "Over...
Aurora saw a blue Jeep careening through the protestors, while another demonstrator was shot as people were rallying against racial injustice. The Aurora PD mentioned that the protestors were peacefully walking down Interstate 225 when an SUV suddenly crashed through them. A protestor did shoot off a weapon that...
Amid the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement protests in Portland, one individual got stabbed in the early morning hours of Saturday. On Friday, at around 11 PM, the federal agents released tear gas accompanied by flashbangs upon the protestors who were trying to topple over a metal fence put up...
"Congressman John Lewis was my uncle and my hero. And it's up to us to keep his legacy alive," said Jaxson Lewis Brewster during John Lewis’s memorial service at Troy University in Alabama on Saturday. The former congressman and civil rights icon died on July 17 at the age of...
On Sunday, the North Korean state media announced that Kaesong has been put under strict lockdown after an individual with coronavirus symptoms was caught.  This is the first possible case of COVID-19 in the country, according to North Korean media. The claim has been suspected to be untrue by many...
The tropical storm Hanna has picked up its pace to approximately 75miles per hour, according to the Forecasters from the National Hurricane Center. This makes it not just a hurricane but rather the first Hurricane of the year in the Atlantic hurricane basin. “As of 8 a.m. Saturday, the center...
On Saturday commenced the memorial ceremony to honor the late Rep. John Lewis, a well known figure of the Civil Rights Movement and a respected Georgia democrat. The celebration would be a six day long ceremony and would feature stops in the five main cities that played an important role...
‘Finding Freedom’ claims that the relationship between the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Sussex has deteriorated terribly. It has worsened to such an extent that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle hardly spoke with Prince William and Kate Middleton. The tension between them was such that they hardly exchanged...